Special issue call for papers from Journal of Intellectual Capital
This Special Issue will focus on one of the richest continents for intellectual capital: Africa.
Africa is the world’s second most populous continent, with more than 1.1 billion inhabitants (2013) and more importantly, with the youngest population among the world’s continents. From an intellectual capital point of view, this presents great challenges, but also a high potential for growth, innovation and entrepreneurship in many areas: valorizing traditional knowledge, developing new brands, innovation in financial instruments and digital, developing sustainable energy applications and water management, innovation in IPRs, developing new approaches to deal with inter-generational issues.
This special issue focuses on four main questions:
- How African countries, communities and firms approach their intellectual capital?
- What innovations, programmes and approaches to leveraging intellectual capital are implemented or should be implemented at national, regional firms and communities’ levels?
- What are the potentials for leveraging intellectual capital in firms, nations and communities?
- What learning processes can be organised between African communities and other communities worldwide for intellectual capital valuation and management?
The Special Issue welcomes submissions in the form of analytical, case-based, or empirical papers providing new insights into (but not limited to) the following topics:
- Reporting and valuing intellectual capital by firms and communities
- National programmes for intellectual capital management
- National, firms and communities branding
- IPRs innovations and platforms
- Indigenous knowledge leveraging and development
- Digital innovations and data
- Sustainable innovations based on intellectual capital
- Innovations in finance and entrepreneurship
- Innovations in intergenerational links
- Cities, regions and territories management based on intellectual capital
For additional information, please contact Guest Editor Professor Ahmed Bounfour: ahmed.bounfour@u-psud.fr
Schedule and deadlines
Submission Deadline: 1 November 2016
Papers Reviewed: 28 February 2017
Revised papers reviewed and accepted: 1 May 2017
Final versions of accepted papers delivered: 1 June 2017
Papers should be 4,000 to 7,000 words in length and should not have been published previously in any other journal (print or electronic) format. All submissions should follow the journal authors’ guidelines found at http://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=jic.
All submissions should be made through the ScholarOne online submission system found at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jicap. Please ensure you select the correct special issue from the relevant drop down menu on page four of the submission process.
Guest Editor Biography
Ahmed Bounfour is Chair Professor at Paris -Sud University where he holds since 2008 the European Chair on intellectual capital , the first academic chair dedicated to intangibles. He is the author of dozen papers on intellectual capital and value creation. Among his on-going works: assessment of complementarities of intangibles and analyzing the role of institutional assets in territorial development. In digital, he is leading several projects dedicated to cloud computing, data assets valuation and digital transformation. Among these, the ANR research project on « Cloud Computing and Organizational Design – CBOD and also the international research programme ISD – Information Systems Dynamics, lead by CIGREF Foundation. ISD led, among others to designing scenarios for the 2020 enterprise, arouns the concept of accelution. Among his recent publications: Intangibles, Market failure and Innovation growth (with T.Miyagawa) and Digital Futures, Digital Transformation: From lean production to acceluction (both with Springer, 2015).