Data, Digital assets and Platforms for innovation
Organised by: The European Chair on Intellectual Capital, the University Paris-Sud
July 12 & 13 2016
With a Regional Focus
Venue : UNESCO Headquarters
7 Place de Fontenoy , 75007, Paris
(Rooms IV & 7)
The central theme of the 12th Edition of the World Intellectual Capital (IC) Conference is “data, digital assets and platforms”. Given the ubiquity of digitality within and around firms and organizations, the scope and scale of the debate on IT value creation has changed dramatically. It no longer concerns the level of investment in specific, identified and localized IT functions, instead it is about investing in a new source of growth and defining its control modalities: data. A recent report by OECD highlights that the market for data analytics is already substantial, and anticipates that globally it will grow from USD 3 billion in 2010 to USD 17 billion in 2015 (OECD, 2014). It also considers the significant challenges posed by data leveraging for economies, in terms of both demand and supply. From the demand side, the major issues relate to the development of skills and organizational change within the firm, a point that was highlighted in the discussion of organizational design (Galbraith, 2013). Supply side issues relate to investment in broadband, data access, and cloud computing. Finally, from the societal point of view, the major issues relate to market concentration, loss of autonomy and freedom, security, inequality and change in job markets.
The stakes and opportunities for data-driven societies appear to be very high. An important question relates to how firms can take advantage of these changes. There is a need to develop frameworks and tools that can assess the potential for data-driven innovation and value creation.
Scientific Coordination
Ahmed Bounfour, Professor, European Chair on Intellectual Capital
Marielle Rosine: Marielle.rosine
Download the speakers’ slides below.
Session 1
- “Open science and innovation” Dominique Guellec, Direction for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD
- “Breakthrough technologies and IPRs” Thomas Hoeren, University of Munster
- “Digitization and information for all: challenges for the future” Paul Hector, IFAP programme, UNESCO
Session 2
- “The next revolution in production systems” Alistair Nolan, OECD
- “The BNDES programme for support to innovation and digital platforms: an u-pdate” Helena Tenorio Veiga de Almeida, BNDES
- “Digital platform and the European agenda” Martin Bailey , European Commission, DG Connect
- “The role of data for digital platforms: policy implications” Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze, OECD
Session 3
- “Digital transformation and the future of the automotive industry” Celso Guiotoko , Renault Nissan, Alliance Global Vice-President, IS/IT
Session 4
- “Cyber-physical Twins – A fundamental pattern to implement digital transformation” Andreas Riegg , Daimler
- “Data and digital transformation of large companies” Régis Delayat, Vice-President, CIGREF, CIO, SCOR
- “The platformic firm under the accelucted regime” Ahmed Bounfour, University Paris-Sud
- “IPRs and digitization” Laurence Joly, INPI
Session 5
- “How African Development Bank support to leverage intellectual capital of Africa” Dr. Abdul-Karim Bakri, African Development Bank
- “An econophysics approach to leveraging intellectual capital: Micro-Finance in Sub Saharan Africa: The Cases of M-Pesa in Kenya and South Africa” Dr Wolfgang Baeer, CEO of Nascent, Dr Thomas Housel
- “Empowering and leveraging young African women in IT and entrepreneurship” Davide Storti, Knowledge Societies Division, UNESCO
- “Casablanca as a future IP platform” Nour-Eddine BOUKHAROUAA, OMPIC
Session 7
- “Digital transformation of African Large firms” Mohamed SAAD, CIO, Bourse de Casablanca, President, AUSIM
- “ICT potential development in Africa” Foster Ofosu , African Development Bank Group
- “Data as a source of innovation” Prasanna Lal Das, Lead KM Officer(Data), The World Bank
Session 8
- “Public sector intangibles and the territorial growth” Jean-Baptiste Labrune, APIE
- “Diagnosing nations’ wealth potential: theories and implications” José M. Viedma Marti, Polytechnic University of Catalonia
- “Digitization of museums”Julien Anfruns, Conseil d’Etat
Session 9
- “Modelling Cloud computing organizational options” Alessandro Solimano, Ioana Manolescu, Emmanuel Waller, INRIA, Paris- Saclay
- “ Business models for Mobile Cloud” Jacques Abu Abdo, Notre Dame University
- “Cloud-computing and governance issues” Sabine Khalil, Valérie Fernandez , TelecomParistech
- “Cloud-computing and decision-making” Xiaolin Cheng, University Paris-Sud
Session 10
- “Intangibles & risk management” Susanne Durst, University of Skovde
- “WICI – Japan : a sustainable progress ” Yasuhito Hanado, Waseda University
- “Wici framework and the future of IC reporting” Stefano Zambon, University of Ferrara & Chairman, WICI Global