Co-organised by The European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, the University Paris-Sud and The World Bank.
Download the agenda here.
Download speakers’ slides and watch their interventions below.
Day 1 – Thursday May 31st, 2012
Mark A. Dutz, The World Bank & Professor Jean-Jacques Girerd, Vice-President, University Paris-Sud
Key Note Speech:
“Innovation and IPRs in Europe” Yves Lapierre, Director General, INPI
Session 1: The intangibles agenda and economic growth: Achievements and issues
Chairman: Leif Edvinsson, Lund University & The New Club of Paris
The OECD Programme for Intangibles, Alistair Nolan, OECD
Measuring intangibles in Brazil , Mark A. Dutz, The World Bank
The UK programme, Tony Clayton, Chief Economist, IPO
Session 2: South Korea, intangible investments and the Knowledge economy agenda
Chairman: Jean-Eric Aubert, Senior Consultant, The World Bank
IPRs and Innovation in Korea’s Economic Catch-up, Keun Lee, Professor, Seoul National University
Productivity dynamics based on intangibles, Sanghoon Ahn, Korea Development Institute
Intangible investment at industry level, Hyunbae Chun, Sogan University
Session 3: Open innovation (1): Research perspective
Chairman: Pirjo Stahle, Aalto University
Innovation from market exchanges, Kevin Boudreau, London Business School
Combinatoric innovation, Paul Louis Iske, Maastricht University, School of business and Economics
Open innovation practices in Germany, Ellen Enkel, Zeppelin University
Key Note Speech:
Designing and governing a campus of the future: The Paris-Saclay Campus Dominique Vernay, President, Fondation de Coopération Scientifique, Paris-Saclay
Session 4: Open innovation (2): Emerging practices in companies and public organisations
Chairman: Chairman: Takayuki Sumita, METI
Patents licensing and open innovation at L’Oréal, Frédéric Caillaud, L’Oréal
How does a large company practice open innovation, Isabelle Wuest, Saint-Gobain
Open innovation platform for SMEs, Laurence Joly, INPI
Key Note Speech:
The role of intangibles in transforming Chinese economy, Charles Hulten, Professor, University of Maryland and NBER
Day 2 – Friday June 1st, 2012
Key Note Speech:
Economics of openness in innovation, Philippe Aghion, Professor, Harvard University
Session 5: New markets for innovation and the role of strategic funds
Chairman: Fernando Galindo-Rueda, OECD
Pricing patents and knowledge flow growth, Gerard Pannekoek, President and CEO of IPXI Holdings
The European investment Bank agenda for IPRs markets, Jacques Darcy, European Investment Bank
Session 6: Public data and innovation
Chairman: Guenter Koch, Execupery & The New Club of Paris
Open data, The World Bank perspective, Mark A. Dutz, The World Bank
Open data; the French perspective, Christophe De Meudler, APIE
Open data policy in Asia, Waltraut Ritter, Asia Pacific Intellectual Capital Centre, Hong Kong
Session 7: Intangibles measurement and reporting
Chairman: Inge Wulf Clausthal University
- Embedding reporting within organisational processes, The BNDES experience, H. Ternorio Viga de Almeida & JP Braga, BNDES , Brazil
- Reporting on intangibles, a recent survey from Japan, Tadanori Yosano, Kobe University
- Integrated Reporting, Yoshiko Shibasaka, KPMG Japan
- Tradeoffs between the use of ICT and knowledge transfer in risk management, Michael Handke, University Heidelberg
- Intangibles and risk management, Susanne Durst, Liechtenstein University
Session 8: New approaches to innovation and knowledge management
Chairman: Simon Dueckert, Cogneon GmbH
- KM and high performance, Peter Pawlowsky, Chemnitz University
- Effective Knowledge work, Stefan Gueldenberg, Liechtenstein University, Klaus North, Wiesbaden Business School
- Intangibles and firm’s agility: from potential to realisation, Tom housel, NPS
- Knowledge transfer among intermediaries, Anssi Smedlund, Aalto University
Session 9: The Purple Economy, arts, diversity and cultural assets
Chairman: Hank Kune, Educore
- Anja Puntari, Guenther Szogs, Secretary, Leonardo Award, Knowledge and art
- The role of museums in the knowledge economy, Julien Anfruns, Managing Director, ICOM
- Giovanni Schiuma, Art-Based management into practice, University of Basilicata
- Guenter Koch, Execupery, Art and knowledge politics
Session 10: New approaches to innovation and knowledge management
Chairman: Hank Kune, Educore
The 21st Century innovation paradigm, Pirjo Stahle, Aalto University
Javier Carrillo, 7 tracks to the knowledge economy
David Creelman, “Will there be ISO standards for HR? »
IC and the Future of Luxembourg, Susan Alexander & Jean-Jacques Mertens
Session 11: Intangibles, Open innovation and the (new) policy agenda
Panel moderated by Jean-Eric Aubert
Bror Sarmelin (European Commission), Tenorio Veiga de Almeida (BNDES) , Takayuki Sumita (METI), Leif Edvinsson (Lund University), Ahmed Bounfour (University Paris-Sud), Keun Lee (Seoul National University).