Télécharger les présentations :
Day 1
Key note
Session 1
- Intangible investment in Japan: Measurement and Contribution to Economic growth, Professor T. Miyagawa, Gakushuin University and RIETI
- Intangible investment and the economic downturn, the OECD action plan, Yoshiaki Tojo, OECD
- Intangible investment and the economic downturn, Jean-Eric Aubert, International expert
- Intellectual Capital Against Financial Capital Crisis, Ante Pulic, Croatia Centre for Intellectual capital
Session 2
- Japan Intellectual capital agenda: a review, Professor Hanado, Waseda University
- The Brazil IC agenda: a review, Eduardo Rath, BNDES Brazil
- The meaning and influence of Intellectual Capital on national economy , Pirjo Stahle, Finland Future Centres
- Measuring Intangible Investments in French National Accounts, Sylvie Le Laidier & Vincent Delbecque, INSEE
Session 3
- Value analysis of the impact of EU R&D projects, Verna Allee & Edna Pasher
- An economic evaluation of the clustering process, Florian Mayneris, Paris School of Economics
- Building knowledge regions: International strategies ESS Scandinavia, Jan Sturesson, Partner, Price Waterhouse Coopers
- IC of regions: Emerging IC policies in Asean, Waltraut Ritter, Knowledge Enterprises
Session 4
- The Knowledge City Concept: A review Francisco Javier Carrillo, Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Vienna Knowledge city strategy, Guenter Koch, Execupery
- Designing cities and the creative class, Raphaële Bidault-Waddington, Laboratoire d’Ingéniérie d’Idées
- IC of Knowledge Regions: on benefits and challenges of network indicators, Karen Grasenick, Convelop
Session 5
Session 6
- Ba for Knowledge Creation or Sharing Dynamic Context in Motion (place for knowledge creation), Professor Noburo Konno, Tama University
- The role of proximity and distance in creative processes, Prof. Dr. Peter Meusberger, Geographisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg
- Relational distance: Time-spatial and socio-cultural tension in innovation practices, Oliver Ibert, Department of Geography, University of Bonn
- The Future Centres experience: A review, Hank Kune EDUCORE bv
Session 7
Session 8
- The ISD Research programme, Ahmed Bounfour, University Paris-Sud
- Improvement of knowledge-based entrepreneurship measures, Waymond Rodgers, University of California, Thomas J. Housel, Naval Postgraduate School, California
Session 9
- Demography and Innovation in India, Surinder Batra, IMT
- Knowledge and the aging employees, Christiaan Stam, Inholland University
Session 10
Day 2
Key note
Session 11
- The UNESCO’s International Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: A review , Cécile Duvelle, Head of section, Intangible Cultural Heritage, UNESCO
- The Role of ICOM for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and how Museums develop Intangible Values/Assets, Julien Anfruns, Director General, ICOM – International Council of Museums
Session 12
- A new approach to patent portofio analysis, Jonhattan Barney, Vice President, Ocean Tomo
- Uncertainty in the patent system created by strategic patenting, Nikolaus Thumm, Chief Economist, EPO
- IP and the economic downturn, Dominique Deberdt, Head, IP Observatory, INPI
- Patent analysis and transparency, Frédéric Caillaud, Director, Licensing, L’Oreal