Ahmed Bounfour
Professor at the Université Paris-Sud, and Holder/Coordinator of the European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management.
His researches focus principally on the ability of leading international corporates to create value from intellectual capital, and on the definition of innovation policy for major national and international research programmes.
Ahmed Bounfour has published many articles in academic and business reviews, including R&D Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Management of Business Excellence, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Telecommunications Policy, Revue Française de Gestion, Futuribles, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, Chroniques d’Actualité de la SEDEIS, Analyses de la SEDEIS and Tribune de l’Assurance.
He has also coordinated intellectual capital, knowledge and innovation special issues for many national and international academic reviews, including Intellectual capital for communities, the next steps for the Journal of Intellectual Capital (2009), Innovation and Intangible Assets for R&D Management (March 2005), Gestion des Connaissances for Systèmes d’Information et Management, (2000) and La gestion de l’immatériel, une nouvelle approche de la gestion for Revue Française de Gestion (issue 130, 2000).
He is also the author of several books on intellectual capital and innovation:
Le Management des Ressources Immatérielles. Maîtriser les nouveaux leviers de l’avantage compétitif
Dunod, Paris, 1998.
The Management of Intangibles: The Organisation’s Most Valuable Assets
Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies, London & New York. 2003.
Intellectual Capital for Communities, Nations, Regions and Cities
Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Burlington, MA (avec Leif Edvinsson), 2005.
Gestion de la connaissance, capital immatériel et performance
(sous la direction de), L’harmattan (2006).
Valeur et performance des SI, une nouvelle approche du capital immatériel
(avec G. Epinette). Dunod, 2006.
Organisational Capital: Modeling , Measuring, Contextualising
Routledge, Londres & New York, 2009.
Le Capital organisationnel, Principes, Enjeux, Valeur
Springer, 2011.
He has also led some forty expert evaluations of European industrial competitiveness and R&D programmes. He also works directly with companies on strategy, R&D and information systems issues on a regular basis. Ahmed Bounfour has an international reputation as an expert on intellectual capital assets, and has developed many approaches to the issue of creating value from intellectual capital for the business community as a whole, and for specific business lines and support functions.
The IC-dVAL approach has been used in many contexts, with particular emphasis on information systems management.
He also originated the Hau-Ba theory and model, which are tailored particularly to the definition of incentive systems and the creation and dissemination of knowledge to specific communities within companies (workers, researchers, consultants, etc.).
Ahmed Bounfour regularly works directly with companies and public-sector organisations on issues related to knowledge, innovation and intellectual capital.
He is the Scientific Director of the World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, which has been sponsored by the World Bank since 2005. This conference brings together leading international experts with public-sector and private-sector policymakers interested in the implementation of new intellectual capital management resources in organisations.
He is coordinator of the Scientific Committee and General Rapporteur of the CIGREF – ISD- Information Systems Dynamics international research programme into information systems usage over the 50-year period from 1970 to 2020.
He is Vice-President of the New Club of Paris, an international network of researchers, consultants and policymakers active in the field of value creation from intellectual capital (www.new-club-of-paris.org), within which he is responsible for coordinating the research programme and contributes to leading roundtable discussions with governments and national institutions, including:
- The office of the Finnish Prime Minister
- The Austrian parliament
- The ONA Foundation in Morocco
- The PLF Foundation in Malaysia
- The Franco-German Round Table on Intellectual Assets
- Orange Business Services (Paris, 2012)
- National Academies Conference (Washington D.C., May 2011)
- Valeur et performance des systèmes d’information (Novembre, 2006)
- Symposium in Corporate Value Creation through the Strengthening of Intellectual Asset Management, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (Tokyo, November 2005)