Recognition of the importance that intellectual capital resources represent for natural communities (nation states, regions, cities, districts, competitiveness clusters, etc.) and emerging communities (the scientific and entrepreneurial diasporas, for example) persuaded the Chair Coordinator to propose a partnership agreement with the World Bank Institute, the result of which was the launch of a world conference on IC for Communities.
The first conference (IC1) was held on 20 June 2005, since then, further conferences have been organised in the following years:
IC15 The 15th world conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
July 11th and 12th 2019
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IC14 The 14th world conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
June 14th and 15th 2018
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IC13 The 13th world conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
July 03rd and 4th 2017
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IC12 The 12th world conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
July 12th and 13th 2016
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IC11 The 11th world conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
May 28th and 29th 2015
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IC10 10th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
University Paris-Sud, June 5th and 6th 2014
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IC9 The 9th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
World Bank (Paris), June 6th and 7th 2013
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IC8 The 8th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
World Bank (Paris), May 31st and June 1st 2012
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IC7 The 7th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
World Bank (Paris), May 26th and 27th 2011
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IC6 The 6th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
World Bank (Paris), June 1st and 2nd 2010
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IC5 The 5th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
May 28th and 29th 2009
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IC4 The 4th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
May 22th and 23th 2008
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IC3 The 3rd World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
May 24th and 25th 2007
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IC2 The 2nd World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
June 29th and 30th 2006
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IC1 The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
May 20th 2005
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The conference is now an established platform for discussion between researchers, consultants and public/private policymakers at global level.
The conference is also supported by a number of leading national and international institutions, including the OECD, the European Commission, the European Patents Office and the European Investment Bank.
The purpose of the conference is to assess and review the current state of research and practical work on intellectual capital around the world through the presentation of programmes and the discussion of agendas.
Issues regularly addressed include:
How can we visualise the intellectual capital of nation states?
How can we deploy a strategy to create value from the intellectual capital of regions and clusters?
How do we make cities smart?
What should be the intellectual property strategy for the new socio-economic landscape?
What is the importance of intellectual capital for the design of organisations, cities and regions in the knowledge economy?
What are the practical issues involved in managing a strategy based on intellectual capital?