The French–German Round Table on intangibles and knowledge assets is a research and policy initiative by two major universities in the two countries (as well in Europe) – The University Paris-Sud and Heidelberg University – who decided to join their recent and on-going research efforts, in order to:
- Come up with conceptual instruments;
- Provide a stimulating platform for research and action for progress among different stakeholders in France and Germany;
- Contribute, more generally, to the large dialogue in Europe and more globally, on the role of intangibles in value creation.
Download speakers’ slides below.
Session 1:
Intangible investment and economic growth a comparative analysis of France and Germany
Moderator: Pr Leif Edvinsson, Lund University, Chairman, The New Club of Paris
- “L’Allemagne et l’agenda de l’économie de la connaissance”, Dr Uwe Thomas, ancien Secrétaire d’Etat au Ministère Fédéral Allemand de l’Éducation et de la Recherche
- “Intangible investments in Germany, an overall perspective”, Dr Bettina Peters, Senior Economist, ZEW
- “Intangible investments in France, over a long term period”, Vincent Delbecque, Post-Doc, European Chair on Intellectual capital management, University Paris-Sud, Pr Ahmed Bounfour, University Paris-Sud, European Chair on Intellectual Management
- “Intangible assets of the public sector”, the French experience. Danielle Bourlange, Deputy Director General, Apie
- “Benchlearning between France and Germany”, Pr Leif Edvinsson, Lund University, Chairman, The New Club of Paris
Session 2:
Information systems and organisational capital as complementary assets
Moderator: Pr Guenter Koch, General Secretary, The New Club of Paris
- “Organisational capital, Human capital as strategic resources”, Martin Schneider, Professor, University of Paderborn (on-line)
- “Valuing IS & organisational assets, a French perspective”, Ahmed Bounfour, University Paris-Sud
- “Modeling and valuing IT assets for the digital enterprise”, Georges Epinette, Groupement des Mousquetaires, VP and President of the “Cercle de l’immatériel”, CIGREF
- “Modeling and valuing organisational capital”, Daniel Stévenin, President, Afope
Session 3:
Reporting and valuing intangibles: The financial analyst perspective
Moderator: Pr Dr Peter Pawlowsky, Chemnitz University
Session 4:
Reporting and valuing intangibles (with a specific focus on SMEs)
Moderator : Vincent BARAT, DGCIS, MINEFI
- “IC & KM in German SMEs”, Pr. Dr Peter Pawlowsly, Chemnitz University
- “The Wissensbilanz recent projects in Germany”, Pr Dr Inge Wulf, Clausthal University
- “How to approach value creation in SMEs, the OSEO experience”, Annie Geay, Directrice de l’Evaluation et des Etudes, OSEO
Session 5:
IPRs, public funding and open innovation practices
Moderator: Dominique Guellec, OECD
- “Open innovation and the services economy”, Bror Salmelin, Advisor to the DG Information Society and Media, The European Commission
- “Open innovation versus proprietary knowledge’”, Nikolaus Thumm, Chief Economist, EPO
- “Using open innovation as an innovative mean for technology transfer”, Pr Dr Robin Kleer, RWTH Aachen University
Session 6:
Looking at the future: Value creation in Knowledge markets, networks and communities
Moderator: Pr Dr Jacques Liouville, University of Strasbourg