Télécharger les présentations ci-dessous.
Session 1: Contextualizing Intellectual Capital (IC)
- Intellectual Capital, Economic Development and the Cultural Factor, Jean-Eric Aubert, World Bank
- Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities, Ahmed Bounfour, University of Paris 11 and Pirjo Ståhle, Lappeenranta University of Technology and Turku School of Economics, Finland Futures Research Center
- LEARNING in the Knowledge Societies,Tarek Shawki , UNESCO
- Creating Values from Intellectual Assets, Yoshiaki TOJO, OECD, Head of EAS/ST
Session 2: Intellectual Capital for Nations
- The democratization of U.S. Research and Development after 1980
- The Democratization of R&D in the U.S., Robert M. Hunt and Leonard Nakamura, Economic Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- The IC Agenda for Germany, Dr Hochreiter, Federal Ministry of Economics /Mart Kivikas, CEO, Partner Wissenskapital Edvinsson. & Kivikas GmbH
- A New Wave of Intellectual Assets based Management from Japan, Takayuki Sumita, Director, METI, Professor Hanado, Waseda University
- Progress toward Establishing the Intellectual Assets Based Management & Reporting, Professor Yasuhito Hanado, Graduate School of Asia, Pacific Studies, WASEDA Univ.
- French Clusters Policy, Grégoire Postel-Vinay, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry
- IC for Portugal and the Lisbon Agenda, Professor Carlos Zorrinho, National Coordinator of the Lisbon Strategy and the Technological Plan
Session 3: Intellectual Capital for Regions
- A European Regional Path to the Knowledge Economy: Creative Societies in Smart Territories, Jean-Marie Rousseau, European Commission
- The Brazilian Development Bank, Marcos Cavalcanti, Professor, Federal University of Rio of Janeiro, Brazil and Eduardo Rath Fingerl, Director, BNDES, Brazil
- Intellectual Capital of Lublin Region – Motivation, Methodology, Results and Prospects for Future, Andrzej Wodecki, Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland
- On Measuring Regional knowledge: an Italian Perspective, Giovanni Schiuma, Associate Professor, University of Basilicata, Italy
- Regional Indicators and IC building, Jacques Van der Meer, European Investment Bank
- Intellectual Capital of Trade Waltraut Ritter, Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society
- Regional Performance and Future Oriented Investment: Stakeholder Reporting of IC-based Value Creation in the Federal Province Upper Austria, Alexander Welzl, Esprit
Session 4: Poster Session
- An Intellectual Capital Audit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Susan Alexander, PhD Candidate, Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, California, USA
- Perspectives on Intellectual Capital and Training Valuation from the Portuguese Hotel Sector, Ruben Eiras, Center for Public Policy and Management Studies, Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon
- Knowledge Memory in the Aluminium industry: Implementation of the “Hau-Ba” Model, Gwenaelle Grefe, PhD Candidate, University of Paris 11
- Intellectual Capital Statements for German SME, Method, Results and Experiences from 14 Pilot Organisations in Germany, Kay Alwert, Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK), Berlin
Session 5: Intellectual Capital for Cities
- Of Wine and Bottles: The Radical Approach to IC for Cities, Franciso Javier Carillo, Mexico
- Hong Kong’s Challenges to Move from a Service Economy to a Knowledge City at the Cross, W.B.Lee, Chair Professor and Head, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Manchester: Knowledge Capital – a Case Study of the Transformation of a Post-Industrial City into a Competitive Hub in the Global Knowledge Economy, Dr Cathy Garner, Chief Executive, Manchester Knowledge Capital
Session 6: Patents, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Local Knowledge
- Patents and the Competitive Game, Thierry Sueur, Vice-President, Intellectual Property Department, Air Liquide
- Patents in the Knowledge Economy, Dominique Guellec, OECD
- Global Knowledge and Traditional Knowledge, Francis Gurry, Deputy Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- Valuing Patents, A European Perspective, Bruno Van Pottelesberghe, Chief Economist, European Patent Office
- Intangibles and IPRs, Bo Heiden, Deputy Director, CIP, Chalmers and Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden
Session 7: Intellectual Capital for Diasporas
- Diasporas as Communities: Theoretical Modeling,Yevgeny Kuznetsov, The World Bank
- The In-and-Out Intellectual Capital of Israel Edna Pasher, Edna Pasher Associates
Session 8: Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Economy
- Business Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Economy, Catherine Larrieu, Director, Technology Innovation and European projects, OSEO anvar
- Entrepreneurship Research and the Knowledge Economy, Hans Landström, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Institute of Economic Research, Lund University
- How Venture Capital “Valuate” Entrepreneurship, Olivier Protard, Managing Partner, Sofinnova Partners
- Policy Entrepreneurship, Leif Edvinsson, Adjunct Professor, University of Lund, Guenter Koch, Execupery, Andreas Brandner, Knowledge Management Austria
Session 9: Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Rating
- Reporting on Intangibles for Knowledge Intensive SMEs, The RICARDIS Report, Arie Van Der Zwan, European Commission, DG Research
- Intellectual Assets and Value Creation: Implications for Corporate Reporting, Annabel Bismuth, Administrator, Corporate Affairs, OECD
- IC Disclosure and the New Stock Exchange Agenda, Setsuko Morishita, Actcell, Tokyo
- The Grammar of Rating, Sara Bertin, Vice President – Senior Analyst, Moody’s