Special issue in the Journal of Intellectual Capital

Intellectual Capital, Firms’ Innovation Growth and Emerging Value Spaces

Special Issue – Journal of Intellectual Capital

Editorial: Ahmed Bounfour, RITM & European Chair on Intangibles, Université Paris-Saclay, Hannu Piekkola, University of Vaasa, Carter Bloch, Aarhus University

The main objective of this Special Issue is to provide new insights into the measurement of intellectual capital and its contribution to innovation growth, while at the same time considering their importance in new, emerging innovation spaces. After the closing of the call, we have received 23 papers /extended abstracts (to be checked). After a first review by the Guest Editors, 10 papers were invited to the development workshop, which was held in Paris under the auspices of the World conference on Intellectual capital, co-organized by the European chair on intangibles , at UNESCO, on July 11, 2019. The 10 papers were then submitted to the journal review process, and 7 of them have been selected for the special issue. Of the accepted papers four are from members of the Globalinto project: Hannu Piekkola, Felix Roth, Kristof Van Criekingen and Carita Mirjami Eklund. Therefore their papers have been primarily evaluated by external referees, or entirely as part of regular issue process for Hannu Piekkola.